Make in-store inventory visible to millions of people searching for it nearby.
Show live availability with Google ‘See What’s In Store’
Give customers looking up your business in Google the ability to see what you have in stock directly in search results, driving incremental footfall and sales.

Boost footfall with Local Inventory Ads
NearSt can automatically show your products at the top of Google to shoppers searching for them nearby, and send them to your store.

Learn what locals want in real-time
Our Customer Insights data lets you see what nearby shoppers are searching for,
so you can always stock exactly what they want..

Drive more business In-Store
Entice more customers into your bricks and mortar store by advertising your products on the most prevalant advertising medias such as Google Shopping and Facebook marketplace.

Serve Existing Customers
Show your products on the websites your customer are already using. Get ahead of your competitors with minimum outlay in advertising and less impact on your daily routines.

Customer Analytics
Review the items you are selling. Analysis items that are getting noticed but not selling. Manage your advertising campaigns for best profitability.
For a diversity of retailers
NearSt technology integrates seamlessly for retailers across a wide range of verticals. All you need is the
Samtouch Office inventory management system that you’re using to track stock.

Before buying online why not give us a call to arrange a no obligation demo on 01924 438238 or contact sales@samtouch.co.uk

Retail & Hospitality Brochures
Grow Your Business With Samtouch POS Solutions
Both our Retail & Hospitality brochures are now available to preview, print and share for the first time. The most comprehensive and thorough overview of Samtouch Software to date.
Editions Including:-
Retail Brochure V2: Click Here
Hospitality Brochure V4: Click Here
OrderMe Customer Own Device Ordering: Click Here

For more information on key sectors and product suitability see links:-
Restaurants | Café Bistro | Bar Nightclub | Take-Away | Retail Giftware | Fashion | Convenience | Contract Catering