WooCommerce is one of the leading ecommerce solutions available on the market today. A total on-line solution that can be maintained by web developers, hosting companies or maintained by any individual with basic software skills.
In conjunction with WooCommerce, Samtouch have developed an interface module between its front-end EPOS solution and WooCommerce’s cloud-based system.
WooCommerce is built on WordPress, the software powering more than 34% of the web. Regularly audited by Sucari, an industry leader in security, you are in good hands.
As the leading ecommerce solution there is a vast library of themes which you can choose from to meet your business requirements. The number of add-on extensions is immense including a range of payment gateway such as Strip, Sagepay etc.
Customer orders can be processed in the back-office of Woocommerce simply and easily with integration to a range of carrier platforms.
Products created on WooCommerce are transferred into Samtouch ready for selling within your premises, no need to program products twice.
Just some of the key modules available for Samtouch:
Accounting | Card Integration (EFT) | Drinks Promotions | Ecommerce | Food Labelling | Hotel Reservations | Loyalty Schemes | Online Food Ordering | Table Reservation | Time & Attendance

Simple and cost effective ecommerce solution with a vast library of features.
Woocommerce – Key Features In Brief
Woocommerce is built on WordPress powering 34% of the web
Add-On Extentions
A range of payment gateways including Strip & SagePay
Product Creation
Products created in Wooocommerce are transferred into Samtouch
Before buying online why not give us a call to arrange a no obligation demo on 01924 438238 or contact sales@samtouch.co.uk
Leading eCommerce
Simple and cost effective ecommerce solution with a vast library of features.
Add-On Extension
Need a special feature. More than likely there will be an add-on already available.
Create Products Once
Create product on your store and they will be available on Samtouch.
Track inventory across bricks & mortar and your Woocommerce site.
Just some of the key features available for Samtouch:-
Floating Operators & Tabs I Dynamic Screen Set-Up I Remote Services I Customer Loyalty I Promotions I Caller ID I Food Allergens I Price Levels I Digital Receipts

Retail & Hospitality Brochures
Grow Your Business With Samtouch POS Solutions
Both our Retail & Hospitality brochures are now available to preview, print and share for the first time. The most comprehensive and thorough overview of Samtouch Software to date.
Editions Including:-
Retail Brochure V2: Click Here
Hospitality Brochure V4: Click Here
OrderMe Customer Own Device Ordering: Click Here

For more information on key sectors and product suitability see links:-
Restaurants | Café Bistro | Bar Nightclub | Take-Away | Retail Giftware | Fashion | Convenience | Contract Catering