Caller I.D.
Specifically for take-away and fast-food businesses, Caller I.D. connects your Samtouch POS to your phone system so the caller (if in database) can be identified before you pick up the call.
Your customer details are brought up on the screen for you to place the take-away order and to confirm ‘Delivery Address’ and ‘Contact Details’ that have previously been entered into the system database.
You can also track customers previous orders and promote new products or increase orders by identifying previous product sales.
Portray a professional and efficient business with accurate information at your finger tips. No more scribbling down customer orders, no more wrong orders, no more wrong deliveries.
Improve your business profile and instill customer confidence and retention by using the Caller ID feature built into Samtouch.
Just some of the key features available for Samtouch:-
Floating Operators & Tabs I Dynamic Screen Set-Up I Remote Services I Customer Loyalty I Promotions I Caller ID I Food Allergens I Price Levels I Digital Receipts
Before buying online why not give us a call to arrange a no obligation demo on 01924 438238 or contact sales@samtouch.co.uk
Speeds Up Service
Have all the customer information at your fingertips.
Boost Customer Retention
Confidently answer the telephone referring to the customer directly.
Reduce Delivery Errors
Work from existing information, so no wrong address information.
Increase Sales Revenue
Reduce shrinkage and speed operation increasing sales revenue.

Retail & Hospitality Brochures
Grow Your Business With Samtouch POS Solutions
Both our Retail & Hospitality brochures are now available to preview, print and share for the first time. The most comprehensive and thorough overview of Samtouch Software to date.
Editions Including:-
Retail Brochure V2: Click Here
Hospitality Brochure V4: Click Here
OrderMe Customer Own Device Ordering: Click Here

For more information on key sectors and product suitability see links:-
Restaurants | Café Bistro | Bar Nightclub | Take-Away | Retail Giftware | Fashion | Convenience | Contract Catering